Rippers Weekly Recap 04/8 - 4/14

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Hey everyone, it’s @StockMKTNewz Evan!

I spend 70 hours every week looking for news so you don't have to. That causes me to tweet a lot which can be hard to keep up with. Having somewhere to put all the major stories in 1 easy to view place is really valuable, and that's why I make this newsletter!

How The Stock Market Performed Over The Past 5 Days

All images in this section are sourced from 

Heat Map of the S&P 500

How the Largest Stocks Performed

Best Performing Large Cap Stocks

Worst Performing Large Cap Stocks

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This Week's Major Headlines

Get Prepared For The Week Ahead!

That's it for today — thanks for reading! Want more Rippers? Make sure you're subscribed to this newsletter and never miss a weekly recap


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