Rippers Weekly Recap 3/18

Hey everyone, it’s @StockMKTNewz Evan!

I spend 70 hours every week looking for news so you don't have to. That causes me to tweet a lot which can be hard to keep up with. Having somewhere to put all the major stories in 1 place that is easy to view I think is really valuable, and that's why I make this newsletter! Im trying some slightly different formats with this so send me a DM with any feedback

How The Stock Market Performed This Past Week

Heat Map of the S&P 500

How The Largest Stocks Performed

Best Performing Large Cap Stocks

Worst Performing Large Cap Stocks

This Week's Major Headlines


By far the biggest stories this week were around the banks. We had the full-on collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank being taken under with it. Now we're dealing with the fallout of that in the US. While the focus has been on regional banks, even some larger names like Charles Schwab, the one that has seemed to get the most attention is non other than First Republic Bank (FRC). FRC received $30B in uninsured deposits from the big banks while having $30B of cash on their own.

There's been so much news this week about the banks its really hard to keep up with, that's why I've been making YouTube videos about this during the week. Check them out 

Although not directly connected to the US Banks, Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse (CS) started grabbing more and more of the headlines as we got further in the week. CS has built itself a lackluster reputation over the last couple of years, so no one was surprised to hear the bank was having trouble but seems like this time could be different. The latest talks are that UBS may have to come in and acquire the bank. There were some rumors that Blackstone was considering making a bid, but those have since been denied by the company. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank is said to be monitoring the situation to see if they can pick off any pieces of the bank.

Get Prepared For A Very Busy Week Ahead!

That's it for today — thanks for reading! Want more Rippers? Make sure you're subscribed to this newsletter and never miss a weekly recap


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